Friday, April 30, 2010

Task #5 Predictions

The economic state of the world is collapsing slowly and very few seem to realize it. The gap between deveolping and developed countries grows larger and larger everyday. we are trying to come up with solutions to fix them but they come little by little, meanwhile the problems come up by the truckloads. I don't feel that i can just pick one problem to focus on out of all of them. Going on around the world in developing countries there is Slavery, Famine, Sweatshops, and the list goes on and on. If we keep going at the constant pace we have set, the gap will only grow bigger and bigger and bigger. My opinion of what will happen in the future is that that gap will still be growning and these countries will just get poorer and poorer and the countries that are developed will grow more and more powerful. With these developing countries becoming weaker and weaker the people that live in them will become more and more upset and angry with the government and or MNC's that are in the area prohibiting their lives. Which could start with uprisings and rebellions and riots. Regardless of how depressing some of this is it's human nature to be greedy and the countries and or people that have the money will not want to give up what the have, for any reason.

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