Friday, April 30, 2010

Task #5 Predictions

The economic state of the world is collapsing slowly and very few seem to realize it. The gap between deveolping and developed countries grows larger and larger everyday. we are trying to come up with solutions to fix them but they come little by little, meanwhile the problems come up by the truckloads. I don't feel that i can just pick one problem to focus on out of all of them. Going on around the world in developing countries there is Slavery, Famine, Sweatshops, and the list goes on and on. If we keep going at the constant pace we have set, the gap will only grow bigger and bigger and bigger. My opinion of what will happen in the future is that that gap will still be growning and these countries will just get poorer and poorer and the countries that are developed will grow more and more powerful. With these developing countries becoming weaker and weaker the people that live in them will become more and more upset and angry with the government and or MNC's that are in the area prohibiting their lives. Which could start with uprisings and rebellions and riots. Regardless of how depressing some of this is it's human nature to be greedy and the countries and or people that have the money will not want to give up what the have, for any reason.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Task #4 Solutions :D


Right to Play is an organization that is focused on improving lives of children in disadvantaged areas. They are trying to improve the lives of children in Africa, Asia, Middle East and South America by teaching them teamwork, fair play, conflict resolution, self-esteem, communication, commitment, respect, and integrity.
This organization teaches the children who participate to use verbal communication when settling a dispute instead of head to head violence.
Fundraising is always an appreciative way to help the Right of Play organization. Another way you can help is by applying as an international volunteer. If there are no openings for international volunteers you can always volunteer locally by calling the closest National Office to you.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Task #3 Impacts of Decolonization


The history of Wal-Mart began in 1962. Within the next five years another 24 stores opened all around Arkansas. The founder of Wal-Mart is Sam Walton; he had a few minor retail stores before the opening of the first Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart is the largest grocery retailer in the Americas.
Some present day facts about Wal-Mart are that they employ 2,100,000 employees and the Wal-Mart Corporation makes an average of 13.59 Billion US Dollars a year. Wal-Mart opens up a new store EVERYDAY! :O Right now, Wal-mart is focusing on expanding to Latin America.
Most of the products that Wal-Mart sells are common, used every single day products. They sell clothes, jewelry, toys, food, furniture, and even has a pharmacy and a pharmacist working in every store.
During the 1990's the Wal-Mart corporation tried dipping their feet into German soil. Although they did well with the money there was some controvsery about their requirements for employees. The employees were forbidden to have relationships within the Wal-Mart family. So, although they racked in the money, their bad reputation shut them down in Germany. The Wal-Mart corporation has done well in other countries though, such as Mexico, the UK, Brazil, and Canada.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Task #2 Decolonization


Gandhi dedicated himself to helping India gain independence through non-violent protests, he was also imprisoned for seven years because of his political beliefs. The hunger strikes Gandhi would go on lead to him constantly being imprisoned. He would go on these hunger strikes to attract more attention to his causes. During one of his more meaningful hunger strikes, Gandhi fasted for three weeks. After which Gandhi and his followers started the Salt March in 1930 to demonstrate a campaign of civil disobedience. This campaign brought an end to the government monopoly of India, and the salt taxes. Gandhi was assassinated in 1948 at the age of 78. :[

Monday, April 19, 2010

Task #1 Present Day Global Economy :O

The current global ecomony could be divided up into two main areas, in my opinion, Developed and Developing countries. The devolping countries are only still developing because, most of the developed countries got natural resources from the currently "Developing" countries. Such as Africa and Southeast Asia, both were imperialised by Europe, and deprived of their own natural resources, money, work, culture. With Europe getting all of this excess natural resources it help boost them ahead of these other area's of the world, while making them dig their own graves.